
The First Congregational church of Cass, located near the center of the township of the same name, is one of the early church organizations of the county, and was a pioneer in religious activity which has survived the changes and evolution of the community.

The Cass church was organized in June, 1856, with fourteen charter members, namely: Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Condit, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Condit, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Condit, Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Doyl, Mrs. Jeremiah Friend and Mrs. M. C. Thompson. Of this list of pioneer workers, a few still survive. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Condit resided in Cass for twenty-one years, and during all of that time were zealous church workers. Mr. Condit filling the positions of sexton, chorister and Sunday-school superintendent. Mr. Condit and wife now live in Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Doyl lives at Utica, Nebraska. J. S. Condit and wife are also numbered with the inhabitants of earth. The others of the charter members have joined the Church Triumphant. The first deacon was A. P. Condit. Alexander Crawford, Spencer Pitcher and George W. Hall were elected trustees and J. S. Condit, clerk.

In the spring of 1855, the nucleus of the Cass Congregational church, first began to appear upon the horizon of time. At that time Rev. LaDue, the congregational minister in Anamosa, began holding occasional services Sunday afternoons in a small, unpainted schoolhouse at Cass Center. The schoolhouse was not lathed or plastered and was without seats. The congregation consisted of two or three families, a few of the neighboring men and boys came in their shirt sleeves and bare-footed and sat around on the fence near the building. It is told by one of the old settlers, that one of the men who sat near enough to hear, said that Mr. LaDue preached just like any minister; that he had expected to hear a sermon on infant damnation. In the following June, 1855, the church was organized.

The Sunday-school was organized soon afterward with R. B. Condit as superintendent. The library consisted of a new testament and one small hymn book. There were no lesson leaves, quarterlies or papers. Each child was expected to memorize as many verses of Scripture as possible and recite them to the teacher at the school. Some of the scholars would recite several hundred verses at one time.

Soon after the church was organized. Rev. LaDue left Anamosa and Rev. S. A. Benton took his place. In the winter of 1857 a protracted meeting was held in the little schoolhouse which was now completed. The pastor was assisted in these meetings by Rev. C. S. Cady. Much interest was manifest, and as a result of the meetings, the church membership was increased. Rev. C. S. Cady was then called as the resident pastor of the young church and moved to Cass about October 1, 1858, and occupied one room at Deacon A. P. Condit's house.

At a meeting held November 24, 1858, the congregation decided to build a church, and M. C. Thompson, Dr. Hoskins, J. A. Palmer, R. B. Condit and O. B. Doyl were appointed as a building committee. Deacon A. B. Condit offered to build the church and dedicate it free from debt if the society would furnish the foundation, sills, and five hundred dollars in cash, and the offer was accepted. R. B. Condit donated the lot for the church and also for the cemetery. In the fall of 1860, the church was dedicated free from debt.

These were strenuous days in pioneer church life. A letter by Mrs. O. B. Doyl, written fifty years after the dedication of the new church home, speaks in tenderness, and from the heart, of that struggling and eventful time, as follows: "I remember so distinctly how happy we all were that we now had a home and could worship under our own roof. I also remember when it was said to be completed, and we ladies gathered to put on the finishing touches. We took our dinners and spent the day putting up window shades, laying down carpet in the aisles, and trimming the desk. We were a happy crowd. Life before us was then so hopeful. Time has made its ravages, and as I turn the leaf over, sadness comes to me, for out of that company of twenty or twenty-five, I cannot think of more than half a dozen still living. All with few exceptions are sleeping beside that structure builded fifty years ago."

Rev. Cady left Cass in 1861, and for a period of five months, Rev. Daniel Savage, a young man from Boston, ministered to the spiritual wants of the congregation. After one years' stay in the wild and wooly west, he was succeeded by Rev. C. C. Humphrey, who remained until September, 1867. Next came Rev. W. H. Hayward who remained in Cass three years. Rev. W. H. Barrows then filled the pulpit for five years, and during his pastorate, the church became self-supporting. Previously, the church had received aid from the Home Missionary Society. It was about this time that the society bought a house and lot for a parsonage.

Following Rev. Mr. Barrows, the spiritual welfare of the church was looked after by Rev. E. C. Downs for two years, then by Rev. James Mitchell for nearly three years. During the latter pastorate, the Ladies Aid Society was organized, and has continued to be a valuable organization. In January, 1880. a call was extended to Rev. George Ritchie, who remained until July, 1882. During this pastorate, the parsonage was moved to a new lot, and improvements were added, making it more comfortable and cozy. Rev. B. M. Amsden then, supplied the pulpit but lived at his home in Manchester. November 11, 1883, Rev. Daniel Badwell was called to the pastorate and remained for five years. After his resignation the services were kept up without a regular pastor by having an occasional supply until October 10, 1889, when Rev. Barrows was again called as pastor. At the close of Rev. Barrows' pastorate in 1894, Rev. S. F. Milliken of the Congregational Church of Anamosa conducted services each Sabbath afternoon for five years, and during this period, during the year 1895, a series of revival meetings were conducted by N. S. Packard, and at the close of the meetings, a Christian Endeavor Society was organized with twenty-four members, and proved to be a very helpful organization. From October, 1899 to July, 1902, the pulpit was filled by students from Coe College. During the year 1902, the church and society were bereft of seven very helpful members in the one year.

On December 21, 1902, the church extended a call to Rev. A. B. Keeler and on April 21, 1903, he was ordained, the services being held at the church. On account of poor health he resigned, the same taking effect December 28, 1903. The pulpit was again supplied by students and other ministers until Rev. H. M. Pinkerton was called as pastor. He remained eleven months, and on May 7, 1905, Rev. George Brimacomb was called to the charge and remained three years, when the present pastor, Rev. W. R. Bundy became the resident minister. During this pastorate, the church has made substantial progress, and the work advanced.

The present officers: trustees—George Watt, E. M. Hanna, George Brainard; clerk—Mrs. Ruby Ketcham; deacons—W. A. Hale, Harvey House: Christian Endeavor Society—president, Parke Ogden; vice-president, Miss Ella Watt; recording secretary, Miss Hazel Bray; corresponding secretary, Miss Hattie Ketchani; treasurer, Clarence Hanna; organist, Miss Jennie Hale. Ladies Aid Society—president, Mrs. Warren Wallace; vice-president, Mrs. George Brainard; secretary, Mrs. Ruby Ketcham.