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D. Cunningham
Born July 12, 1825
D. CUNNINGHAM agent and dealer in agricultural implements and farm machinery, Main street, Anamosa; is a native of Broome Co., N.Y., and was born July 12, 1825. He grew up to manhood there, and came to Iowa in October, 1850, and engaged in farming. When he came here, the census returns of 1850 showed the exact population of Anamosa to number 180 persons. He continued farming for fourteen years, and, in 1864, he came in town, and engaged in the agricultural implement business with E. B. Halderman, who established the business in 1858; they continued together until 1874, when Mr. Halderman retired from the firm, and since then Mr. Cunningham has conducted the business. It is the oldest agricultural house in Jones Co., and he does the leading trade. He has held the offices of Justice of the Peace, Town Clerk, and school offices. He was united in marriage, May 28, 1850, to Miss Sarah A. Halderman, from Broome Co., N.Y.; she is a native of Springfield, Mass.; they have six children—Sarah L., Emily F., Ellen L. (now Mrs. Ladd, and living in the State of Delaware), Jerome D., Hattie and Fred J.

Source: History of Jones County, Iowa, Western Historical Company, Chicago, 1879, page 552.


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