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The 1879 History of Jones County Iowa was transcribed by Janet A. Brandt.


A number of Masons and Odd Fellows having joined the companies which had left the county recently, the members of the two Orders united in getting up a supper for the brothers who were going to the war. The supper came off on Friday evening, November 1, 1861. The members, with a large company of ladies, met in Odd Fellows' Hall about 8 o'clock, J. H. Fisher, Esq., acting as Chairman. After music by the Anamosa Band and singing by Messrs. Shaw, Lamson, Holmes and Smith, Capt. Buell was called for, who came forward and made a brief but eloquent and patriotic address.
Lieut. Calkins was then called for, and made a short address.
From this place, those present repaired to the City Hall, where three long tables were spread with the substantials and delicacies.
After all had satisfied their hunger, the Chairman announced that J. D. Walworth had been appointed Toast Reader. The following were the toasts and responses:
The Iowa Volunteers—May they all prove as brave as the Iowa First.
Response, Three cheers for the Iowa First.
Iowa-A model to the State of our Union in hearty response to the call of freedom, and in her devotion to science and literature.
Col. W. T. Shaw—May he command the confidence of the brave men he is appointed to lead.
Response by Capt. Buell.
Music-The inspirer of our most hallowed religious and patriotic emotions; a source of most exalted pleasure, and one which exerts the most powerful influence upon the destiny of a nation.
Song by Messrs. B. F. Shaw, Lamson, Holmes and Smith.
The Iowa Volunteers—May they put a full Dott to the rebellion.
Response by Robert Dott.
May the fair hands which prepared this sumptuous repast receive ample reward by enjoying the satisfaction that brave hearts have gone forth better prepared for the existing emergency.
Response by John McKean.
The Iowa Volunteers—May Heaven's blessing be theirs.
Response by Rev. S. A. Benton.
Our Country's Arms—The fair arms of daughters and the fire-arms of her sons; may the embrace of the one ever be the reward of an honorable use of the other.
Response by C. T. Lamson.
After singing Burns' Farewell, the company dispersed.


The ladies of Wyoming met November 20, 1861, for the purpose of organizing a society auxiliary to the "Army Sanitary Commission of the State of Iowa," having for its object the relief of the sick and wounded in hospitals.
Mrs. W. H. Holmes was called to the chair, after which the following officers were elected: Mrs. O. B. Lowell, President; Mrs. A. W. Pratt, Vice President; Mrs. J. R. Stillman, Secretary; Miss Martha White, Treasurer; Mrs. A. G. Brown, Depositary.
Committee to Solicit Contributions-Mrs. J. McDonough, Mrs. J. DeWitt, Mrs. J. Richards, Mrs. R. Freeman, Mrs. D. Hedgeboom, Miss R. Huckle, Miss L. Gilbert and Miss R. Green.
The society voted to meet Tuesday afternoon of each week for the purpose of making such articles as are needed in the hospitals and to receive donations for the same object.
The ladies of Monticello formed a "Soldiers' Aid Society" at about the same time with the following officers:
President, Mrs. E. P. Kimball; Vice President, Mrs. C. E. Wales; Secretary, Mrs. J. Reiger; Treasurer, Mrs. N. Comstock; Depositary, Mrs. G. S. Eastman. Directors-Mrs. W. H. Merriman, Mrs. J. L. Davenport and Mrs. G. S. Eastman.
Committee of Solicitations-Mrs. T. C. West, Mrs. H. Rosa and Mrs. J. P. Sleeper.
The Society met every Wednesday afternoon.
An efficient organization was organized at Anamosa also, about the same time, with the following officers:
President, Mrs. O. P. Isbell; Treasurer, Mrs. B. F. Shaw; Secretary, Miss Elizas Isbell.
Committee on Supplies-Mrs. L. Eberhart, Mrs. Israel Fisher, Miss Mary Work.
Committee on Forwarding-Mrs. L. Dietz, Mrs. E. Littlefield, Miss Eliza Isbell.
These societies did much good and the supplies forwarded at sundry times were properly appreciated by the sick and wounded in the hospitals. A number of other similar organizations were instituted in different parts of the county and almost numberless meetings held. The amount of good done by these organizations throughout the country to alleviate the sick and wounded can hardly be estimated.
On the 3rd of August, 1862, the Boston ladies made a flag presentation to the Ninth Iowa Regiment; and, as a goodly number of Jones County soldiers did noble service in that regiment, we record the details of the event in the Jones County History.
The presentation of colors to a company or regiment by its friends and neighbors had become a common occurrence, but this presentation, by the ladies of Boston, to a regiment in the wilds of Arkansas, a thousand miles distant and near the extreme Western frontier-and that, too, to men who were personally strangers to the donors-was an event as honorable to the boys of the Ninth as it was rare.
Capt. Wright, of Company C, sent the following account to the Independence Guardian:

HELENA, August 3, 1862
To-day has been a proud and glorious day for the Iowa Ninth. At 2 o'clock this afternoon, we were called into line, not to fight, but to receive one of the finest stands of regimental colors in the army of the Southwest, presented us by the ladies of Boston, Mass.
The regimental flag is white silk on one side and crimson on the other. On the white side is beautifully inscribed, in gilt letters "Pea Ridge, Ark., March 7 and 8, 1862." In the center, held by two greyhounds, is the scroll with the words, "Iowa Greyhounds." This is over the eagle, which is in the center of the flag, with the Iowa coat of arms, all of which is encircled with a beautiful gold border. On the other side, handsomely embellished in gold letters, are the words, "From your countrywomen of Massachusetts," with the coat of arms of the old Bay State, and the words, "Pea Ridge" again inscribed on the field under the coat of arms, with the same border. On the flag-staff is a fine gold-bronzed eagle, with a splendid gold tassel in his mouth. The staff is so arranged that the flag can be detached by a spring and folded in a moment, making it very convenient, if you with to fold it in a hurry.
The other is the national flag, with its blue field and its broad stripes, one large star in the center of the field, encircled with thirty-four more in a gold ring or border, and the words "Pea Ridge, March 7 and 8, 1862," inside the circle-the flag-staff and tassel the same as the other.
********** Need I tell you that we were proud when those beautiful flags were unfurled to the breeze, to be carried forward to victory by the Iowa Ninth? If you could have seen those patriotic tears roll down the cheeks of our brave boys, while our noble Colonel, with a heart almost too full for utterance, was replying to the patriotic sentiment of the mothers and sisters of Massachusetts, you would join with me in saying the flag is in safe hands.

Our Countrymen-Soldier of the Ninth Iowa Regiment:
We desire to present you with these, our national colors, as an evidence of our interest in you as soldiers of the Union, and as a token of our grateful admiration for the valor and heroism displayed by you on the memorable field of Pea Ridge.
We have anxiously looked for tidings of you, from those early September days when you were first assembled at Camp Union, to the cold, dark days of the late winter; and, although the order onward was long delayed, yet, when it came, so readily did you obey it that we found it no easy task, even in our imagination, to keep up with the "double-quick" of the "Iowa Greyhounds" The memory of the patient devotion with which you have unfalteringly borne toils, fatigues, hunger and privation, and the recollection of your brave and gallant deeds on the 7th and 8th of March, 1862, will long be treasured in our hearts; and, although we think with sorrow of the sad price of such a victory, and the unbidden tears must flow at the thought of the brave hearts now stilled forever, yet we feel a pride in the consciousness that her noble sons feel no sacrifice to great for their and our beloved country.
God bless the Union! God bless you and all soldiers of the Union armies! Is the fervent prayer of your countrywomen of Massachusetts.
BOSTON, Mass., July 10, 1862.

William Vanderver, Colonel of the regiment, made reply, addressing the soldiers of his command in a brief but pathetic and patriotic style.
Thursday, August 14, 1862, was another day of unusual interest to Monticello and to the citizens of Jones County.
On the day mentioned, the recruits enlisted under Farwell and Jones, of Monticello, and Blodgett of Bowen's Prairie, came swarming in from Monticello, Bowen's Prairie, Scotch Grove, Wayne, Cass, Castle Grove and other towns, and proceeded across the river at Monticello, to Clark's Grove, where preparations had been made to receive them. They were attended by the Anamosa Band, several bands of martial music and a crowd of citizens numbering nearly two thousand.
Here the crowd listened to speeches from Rev. Mr. Dimmitt, Prof. Hudson and many others. Dinner was served and a good time was had, and a large number added to the enlistment-about forty enrolling themselves and becoming soldiers for the Union. Patriotic feeling ran high and could not endure expressions of rebel sympathy. A few citizens, who would have been at home in a more southern latitude, became very obnoxious by their disloyal criticisms. Some of these were "interviewed" this day by a concourse of incensed Unionists, and were compelled, by hempen persuasion, to take the "Oath of Allegiance." One prominent offender escaped by aid of a fleet horse and gathering darkness; a few were taken from their beds at midnight, but safely returned, after being impressively sworn to loyalty and Unionism. The soldiers would have committed violence, had they not been restrained by their newly elected officers.
An election was held and resulted in the choice of the following officers: Captain, S. S. Farwell, of Monticello; First Lieutenant, Rev. F. Amos, of Scotch Grove; Second Lieutenant, James G. Dawson, of Wayne; Orderly, F. H. Blodgett, of Bowen's Prairie.
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