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Scotch Grove Pioneers
part 8

Those interested in the Scotch Grove settlers may want to contact Rose DeRocher. She has some early marriage records from the Red River Settlement and will do lookups.

The Minister's Wives
[Picture][Space]No history of a church is complete without mention of the wives of our ministers who have toiled amongst us while their husbands served our church. Mrs. Kitty Sutherland writes the following lines about them, giving an insight as to the work of the earlier minister's wives with whom she had a personal acquaintance:
[Space]"Mrs. Wilson was a stately, dignified woman, hospitable, and always in sincere sympathy with her husband in his work for the church.
[Space]"Mrs. Rice sang in the choir, taught a class of young women and later a class of young men in the Sabbath school; organized the first missionary society in 1875 and with the assistance of Della Sutherland, organized the first mission band in 1877. Following Mrs. Rice was Mrs. Gay, a bright, cheery English woman who wore her years so gracefully that one forgot her age. She and her husband had a code by which she could communicate with him when he was in the pulpit. A peculiar clearing of her throat let him know that he had preached long enough. He always heeded her cough and brought his sermon to a rapid close.
[Space]"A childhood playmate of my own, a girlhood chum and a lifelong friend filled the position of the next minister's wife—Mrs. Anna Robinson. She had the difficult task of a home girl in the leadership in the church and she met the requirements fully, working in the Sabbath school, missionary society and particularly in the Young People's society which flourished under the care of Mrs. Robinson and her husband.
[Space]"Mrs. Bolton followed Mrs. Robinson. She too was very active in all kinds of church work. From the bed of intense suffering from which she was called home she sent this message to her class of boys in the old church—"Tell my boys to meet me in Heaven."
[Space]"This closed my personal acquittance with the Scotch Grove ministers' wives. The following women lived and labored amongst you after I left your community Mrs. Dager who came for only a short time as a bride; she and her husband going as missionaries to Africa; Mrs. Hine, Mrs. Offutt, Mrs. Brough, Mrs. Helsing, Mrs. Elges, Mrs. Park, Mrs. Nash, Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Long and the present minister's wife, Mrs. Alyea. Each of them, as the years have come and gone, has given her best. The word failure cannot be written after a single name. Were I an artist I would take from one of our minister's wives a bit of her dignity, from another, sincerity, from others the qualities of love, patience, helpfulness, sympathy, with perhaps a bit of gayety and beautiful piety. By combining these qualifications into one, I present 'The Mistress of the Manse.' What these women have meant to this church and community we cannot say until we 'Know as we are known' but we believe it can be said of each, 'She Hath Done What She Could.' "

The Endowment of the Cemetery
[Picture][Space]While the Rev. Wm. H. Elges was serving this church in 1912 to 1916 he inaugurated a movement in the church and community to endow the cemetery. He enlisted many to help in this work and $2,500 was raised and invested. Later this sum was increased to $8,000. The cemetery was put in good shape and is so maintained by the income from the endowment which more than serves this purpose.
[Space]The beauty of the cemetery and the assurance that it will always be so kept by the board of trustees, is a monument to Mr. Elges and those whose contributions made this possible.

Our Ministers
(Names of ministers, elders and deacons are linked to their photos where available. Use your browser's "back" button to return to this page.)
[Space]Church was organized in June, 1841, by Rev. Michael Hummer.
Rev. F. A. Pratt, 1849-1850.
Rev. James Galitin, 1851-1866.
Rev. J. L. Wilson, 1856-
Rev. John Rice, 1878-1879.
Rev. J. L. Wilson, 1879-1885.
Rev. Wm. Gay, 1886-1888.
Rev. J. L. Countermine, 1888.
Rev. W. A. Smith, 1888-1889.
Rev. J. F. Montman, 1889-1890.
Rev. Hugh Robinson 1890-1894, first pastor to be installed.
Rev. J. M. Bolton, 1894-1898.
Rev. Wm. M. Dager and other seminary students, 1898-1899.
Rev. Thos. W. Hine, 1899-1901.
Rev. Robt. M. Offutt, 1902-1904.
Rev. John McKay, 1904-1905.
Rev. R. A. Brough, 1905-1911.
Rev. Oswald Helsing, 1911-1912.
Rev. Wm. H. Elges, 1912-1916.
Rev. Dennis U. Park, 1917-1919.
Rev. I V. Nash, 1919-1921.
Rev. J. W. Bond, 1922-1924.
Rev. G. O. Long, 1924-1929.
Alfred Nelson. Student, June to October, 1929.
Rev. Abram Alyea, 1929-

[Space]Donald Livingston, June 1841. Dismissed to Wayne in 1861.
[Space]Died 1876.
John Sutherland, June 1841. Died 1877.
David M. Cook, 1866. Dismissed to Hopkinton in 1859.
James Clark, Nov. 3, 1856. Dismissed to Wayne 1861.
Matthew Dawson, Nov. 3, 1856. Died 1862.
Robert B. McCullough, Nov. 7, 1868. Dismissed to Creek Indian
[Space]Mission 1860.
John Bently, December 1859. Died 1869.
Hugh C. McKean, December 1869. Died 1865.
Samuel Hazen Clark. June 22, 1862. Died 1890.
Lyman P. Hoyt. June 22, 1862. Died 1866.
Thomas Lyons. March 25, 1866. Dismissed to Center Junction.
William Clark. March 25, 1866. Dismissed Westboro, Mo. 1879.
Alexander McKean. Jan. 2, 1877. Dismissed to Onslow 1883.
David Sutherland. March 19, 1871. Died 1903.
James Espy. Jan. 1884. Died 1907.
C. E. McKean. January 1890. Dismissed to Hopkinton, 1896.
Matthias Sweesy, January 1892. Dismissed to Monticello, 1898.
William Sutherland, January 1896. Died 1910.
William B. Warner, January 1908. To Cedar Rapids in 1920.
S. J. Rice, January 7, 1908. Dismissed to De Ridder, La. in 1920.
R. P. Clark. June 18, 1911. Dismissed to Monticello, 1928.
Edward C. Hughes, July 1917.
D. O. Sinclair 1928.
H. A. Loomis, 1925. Dismissed to Monticello, 1986.
F. D. Sutherland, 1928.
W. B. Clark, 1987.

Our Deacons and Trustees
[Space]1856. John Gibson. Moved to Monticello in 1874.
1856. Donald Sutherland, Sr. Resigned in 1877.
1868. Philip Kuhns. Resigned in 1876.
1871. John Sutherland, Jr. Moved to Scranton in 1878.
1871. Donald Sutherland, Jr. Moved to Clarinda in 1874.
1875. William Sutherland. Elected elder in 1896.
1876. Robert Sutherland. Dismissed by letter in 1877.
1876. William H. Bolton. Dismissed by letter in 1881.
1878. Angus Sinclair. Died 1901.
1879. William Sutherland. Died in 1879.
1881. Mathias Sweesy. Elected elder in 1892. To Monticello.
1883. C. B. McKean. Elected elder 1890. To Hopkinton.
1888. S. J. Rire. Elected elder in 1908. Dismissed, Louisiana, 1921.
1892. D. E. Glenn. Removed to California.
1896. D. O. Sinclair. Elected elder in 1928.
1904. G. J. Hughes
1913. H. H. Carson.
1924. J. W. Calahan. Died in 1931.
1932. M. M. Sinclair.
[Space]On March 10, 1931, article three of the incorporation of the church was voted to read "trustee" instead of "deacon."

Held at Scotch Grove, Iowa, on
August 14 and 15, 1937.
10:00 a.m.—Band Concert.[Space]
Horseshoe Pitching Contest.
10:30 a.m.—Dedication of Marker at H. H. Carson Farm.[Space]
Commemorating Turning of First Sod in Scotch Grove Township. Speaker—Professor Swisher of Iowa City, and others.
12:00 Noon—Chicken Dinner.[Space]
1:00 p.m.—Parade of Floats.[Space]
2:00 p.m.—Band Concert.[Space]
2:30 p.m.—Program—[Space]
Address—Prof. Holbrook of Ames, Iowa
Shork Talks—Former Residents
3:30 p.m.—Kitttenball Game. Contests and Races.[Space]
Liberal Purses will be offered.
7:30 p.m.—Band Concert.[Space]
8:00 p.m.—Historical Pageant.[Space]
9:00 p.m.—Dance—Old Time and Popular Music[Space]
Skersick Orchestra.
10:00 p.m.—Drawing—Prize Cake.
Scotch Grove Presbyterian Church
10:00 a.m.—Devotional Service.[Space]
Service and Communion.
Music by the Center Junction Choir.
11:30 a.m.—Free Dinner.[Space]
Served by the Ladies Aid.
1:30 p.m.—Congregational Singing.[Space]
Historical Sermon.
Reading of Letters from Absent Friends.
7:30 p.m.—Evening Service.[Space]
Sacred Concert by the Young People.
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Last updated on Friday, 16-Apr-2021 16:54:40 MST