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Henry Heiken

Becky Dirks Haugsted provided the images and Janet A. Brandt transcribed the text.

Private Henry Heiken, son of Mrs. Albert Heiken, Anamosa R. F. D. was killed in action in France, Oct. 4th, 1918. Henry was in Montana at the time of the outbreak of the war and went with a contingent from that state and went overseas early in the conflict. The official casualty lists credit him to Anamosa and we are justified in claiming him as he gave his home address as here. Henry was 30 years old and single His death though attended with the highest honors that man can attain—death in battle for humanity—is still felt as a keen loss by his mother, eight brothers and three sisters all residing in or near the old home. Henry was an upright, honest citizen, respected by all and the news of his untimely death was received with sorrow mingled with pride that he died in a just cause and died a hero's death. His unfinished work will be taken up by the devoted brothers and sisters who unitedly will carry it on to a happy conclusion.
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