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Raymond L. Keating

Becky Dirks Haugsted provided the images and Janet A. Brandt transcribed the text.

On October 31, 1918, a telegram from Adjutant General Harris announced the death of Raymond Louis Keating, overseas. The official notice gave the date of his death as October 6th. He was the youngest son of Mrs. Fannie Keating and was twenty-three years old at the time of his death. His entire life was spent in the schools and the farm until called to Camp Dodge last summer. In July he was sent to Camp Merritt and later went overseas. He is survived by his mother, his sisters Mesdames Thomas McNally, Thomas Flanigan, Thomas Fagan and John English and his brothers James, William and Bernard all well known Jones County citizens who will faithfully exemplify in their devotion to the ideals of the departed brother, his unfinished work. Private Keating was a young man of much promise, one of the sturdy young men of whom much was to be expected as a man and a citizen. He is mourned by a host of friends in his home community who will ever be edified by his exemplary life so untimely ended.
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