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Joseph Davis

Becky Dirks Haugsted provided the images and Janet A. Brandt transcribed the text.

To many young men of our county was given the inestimable privilege of going through the fiercest battles and coming home unscathed. To others it was not vouchsafed beyond a brief service, owing to the scourge of Influenza which struck down equally solider and civilian. Joseph Davis of Washington Township went to Camp, wishing as does every soldier that his life and health might be spared to do his bit for his country. He was called to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., for training on Oct. 4, 1918, and within a week was stricken with the fatal disease and passed away. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Washington township. Joseph was thirty one years of age at the time of his death. The remains were brought to Cascade and laid to rest in the little cemetery in that city. His memory will long be cherished. He was a gentle, lovable young man whom fate had not predestined to war but to the eternal peace beyond.
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