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Robert H. Aldrich

Becky Dirks Haugsted provided the images and Janet A. Brandt transcribed the text.

Robert H. Aldrich was born in Wyoming, Iowa, April 20, 1890, and died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Feb. 19, 1919. He was chosen for the Selective Army in July, 1918, and sailed for overseas with the Expeditionary Forces in September. He received his honorable discharge at Camp Dodge on February 18th. Robert was an orphan and had been a favorite in his home town and they were prepared to welcome him home, but the secret cause of his seeking death by his own hand when within a few miles of home is buried with him. There are only few cases parallel to his, and in those cases of nurses who drowned themselves on the way home it was supposed to be a re-action after the strenuous excitement of the war and the subsequent removal of incentive to heroic effort. Robert is survived by two brothers, John H. of Spokane, Washington and James F. of Denver, Colorado, who were present at the funeral.
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