
John Kahl submitted the church photo.

This article is from History of Jones County, Iowa, Past and Present, Volume 1, R. M. Corbitt, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910, pages 658-660.

See also:


by Dr. M. H. Calkins, The Home Lecture Course, April 1, 1878


of the Wyoming Presbyterian Church


of the Presbyterian Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, Wyoming Township, 1903-1904


from the Ladies of the Presbyterian Church.


The ministers who have served this church since its organization, have been: Revs. Geo. E. Delevan. George R. Carroll, J. L. Janes, A. K. Baird, A. B. De Long, G. M. Lodge, A. B. Goodale, Henry Cullen, Geo. R. Carroll, (second time), A. W. McConnell, D. C. Mcintosh, A. P. Cooper and W. H. Ilsley, the latter's resignation taking effect October I, 1909. There is no pastor at present. The pulpit is being supplied very satisfactorily by Mr. S. Nickless, a bright and able student of Lenox College, Hopkinton.

The elders of the church have been: Joseph Bryan, Jerry Gard, Thomas Haines, A. M. Loomis, S. K. Tourtellot, J. R. Stillman, B. K. Bronson, W. T. Fordham, A. G. McGrew, R. S. Williams, E. B. Champlin, Robert R. Barber, L. J. Richards, W. P. Hallett, Joseph French, Isaac DeWitt, J. D. Harrington, Dr. J. W. Kirkpatrick, R. Fishwild, Robert Inglis, H. N. Fordham, M. H. Morse and W. S. Garrison.

The early organization of this church has been treated on another page in Dr. Calkins' history. The names of the first members of this church which was organized May 17. 1857, were: Joseph Bryan and wife; A. M. Loomis and wife; Jerry Card, E. G. Fairchild and A. W. Pratt and wife. Of these first members, A. M. Loomis is the sole survivor, and is yet actively in the harness.

(Mr. Loomis died December 5, 1909, after a few days' illness.)

The fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the church was appropriately observed June 16-17, l907, with devotional, historical and social exercises, bristling with interest and enthusiasm. The semi-centennial exercises were largely attended, a number of the former members and pastors being present and aided in the enjoyment of the exercises. Rev. Henry Cullen delivered the principal address on Sunday morning, June 16th. The exercises in the afternoon were purely historical in their character. H. N. Fordham read a paper giving the first twenty-five years of the church history. A. M. Loomis spoke of the second twenty-five years of the record. A most interesting and historical address was given by Mrs. H. N. (Maggie Baird) Fordham on the women's work in the church in which a glowing tribute was paid to the struggles of the pioneer women of the congregation. In the evening, Dr. Henry Cullen gave an address on the "Benediction of the Old Member," and Rev. A. W. McConnell spoke on the "Responsibilities of the Church of Today."

The program on Monday, June 17th, was more informal. A grand picnic dinner was the first event, and with the preparation and serving of this feast, the names have been mentioned of Mrs. R. Fishwild. Mrs. C. S. Ames, Mrs. A. M. Loomis, Mrs. H. V. Haddock, Mrs. A. W. Anderson, Mrs. William Wilker, Mrs. Aileen Corbit. Mrs. J. A. Griswold, Mrs. J. S. Robertson, Mrs. Jas. Inglis, Mrs. H. N. Fordham, Mrs. C. B. Gridley. Mrs. H. W. Kettlesen. Following the dinner, came a more formal program with R. M. Corbit acting as toastmaster. Mrs. Ella T. Haines of West Union, spoke on "Our Pioneers." Mrs. Elva Calkins Briggs of St. Paul, treated the subject, "The Women of the Church," in a masterful address bristling with personal references. Dr. M. H. Calkins in his interesting style read a paper on "The Brothers-in-law of the Church." The subject, "Our Neighbor Churches." was the appropriate theme of Rev. C. F. Hoffman of the United Presbyterian church, and A. M. McIntosh of the Method'ist Episcopal church. W. I. Chamberlain in a pointed and able speech reviewed the relationships of "The Press and the Pulpit." In the closing exercises of the anniversary in the evening, reminiscences of church history were given. Miss Jennie Tourtellot read a beautiful tribute to the memory of Mrs. A. W. Pratt. A paper by C. A. Wildey was read by T. E. Booth of Anamosa. A letter from Newton Delevan, son of the first pastor, was read by Miss Gertrude Green. Mrs. Helen Madison read extracts from letters sent by former members, among them being from Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Chatterton, Iosie Haines, A. B. DeLong, Mrs. Nettie Gridley Wherry, Carrie Goodale Pierce, Jessie Green Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hover, Moore Briggs, Mrs. Lutie DeWitt, J. R. McGlade and W. P. Hallett. Mrs. Clem Kimball and H. P. Johnson spoke of early experiences in the church work.

The music for the semi-centennial celebration was furnished by Mrs. Frank Henderson, Mrs. J. W. Morse, Mrs. H. N. Fordham, Miss Ada Ames, Miss Olive Haddock, Miss Marguerite Wilker, Miss Esther Griswold, Miss Edith Ilsley, A. M. Loomis, Geo. W. Feld, Jr., Rev. W. H. Ilsley, Fred Vaughn and R. M. Corbit. Miss Maimie Fordham, organist.

The present church organization is as follows:

Elders: A. M. Loomis, W. S. Garrison, R. Fishwild, M. H. Morse, Robert Inglis (Mr. Inglis died October 26, 1909), H. N. Fordham (absent).

Trustees: H. P. Johnson, Chas. Saxon, Jas. M. French, E. L. Barber, C. S. Ames, W. S. Garrison, R. M. Corbit, James Inglis, M. H. Morse; clerk, R. Fishwild; treasurer, E. N. Stoffel.

Women's Foreign Missionary Society: President, Mrs. A. M. Loomis; vice president, Mrs. H. P. Johnson; secretary, Mrs. Helen Madison; treasurer, Mrs. Wm. H. Tourtellot.

Women's Home Missionary Society: President, Mrs. A. W. Brown; vice president, Mrs. W. H. Ilsley; secretary, Mrs. R. Fishwild; treasurer, Mrs. J. S. Robertson; secretary of literature, Mrs. Mabel Kirkpatrick.

Industrial Society: President, Mrs. James Inglis; vice-president, Mrs. R. Fishwild; secretary, Mrs. E. L. Barber; treasurer, Mrs. R. H. Spence.

Church organist, Miss Marguerite Wilker; assistant, Miss Alice Kirkpatrick, chorister, Geo. W. Feld, Jr.

Y. P. S. C. E.: President, Miss Dora Thomsen; vice-president, Miss Elva Alden; recording and corresponding secretary, Miss Olive Haddock; general and missionary treasurer, Robert Alden.

Sabbath-school: Superintendent, A. M. Loomis (Mr. Loomis has been in this position continuously for fifty-two years); assistant superintendent, E. L. Barber; secretary and treasurer, Miss Margaret Robertson; organist, Miss Marguerite Wilker; assistant organist, Miss Alice Kirkpatrick.