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The 1879 History of Jones County Iowa was transcribed by Janet A. Brandt.


The first person buried in what is now the Anamosa Cemetery, was a child of John Leonard. Leonard's home was at Fairview, but he was working for some person in Anamosa (then Lexington), and his family was with him. His child died, and as there was no regular burying-ground, those who had previously died were buried on the hillside back of what is now the dwelling of Matthews & Son, and back of the Midland Railroad track. The child was buried on the hill, and among the few scattered trees overlooking the Wapsie. All who died here in the years that followed were buried on the same hill, and, finally, in the year 1854 or 1855, the ground, which was the property of Mr. G. H. Ford, was laid out into burial lots. The ground, as stated elsewhere, was purchased by the Anamosa Cemetery Association.


Pursuant to adjournment, the citizens of Anamosa convened at the Methodist Church on the evening of the 11th of May, 1863, for the purpose of completing the above organization, G. W. Field, Esq., in the chair. C. R. Scott was made Secretary of the meeting.
The Committee appointed at a previous meeting to draft Articles of Incorporation, made a report through W. G. Hammond, Esq., Chairman of the Committee, which report was received and the Committee discharged. The Articles of Incorporation were, on motion, adopted seriatim, and signed by E. B. Alderman, J. E. Friend, A. Spalding, D. Kinert, S. G. Matson, J. J. Dickinson, George W. Field, W. G. Hammond, H. L. Palmer, S. A. Pope, Jacob Gerber and C. R. Scott as corporators.
The Committee appointed on Cemetery Grounds, through J. J. Dickinson, Esq., reported progress, and the Committee continued under former instructions.
On motion, the Association proceeded to elect nine Trustees for the ensuing year. E. B. Alderman, W. G. Hammond, Alonzo Spalding, J. J. Dickinson, Israel Fisher, G. P. Dietz, J. E. Friend, C. R. Scott and G. W. Field were duly elected Trustees of the corporation.
G. W. Field, W. G. Hammond and C. R. Scott were appointed to draft by-laws for the government of the corporation.
The Secretary and Treasurer were instructed to open books for subscriptions.
The Association adjourned to meet again in one week.
On the 12th of May, 1863, Articles of Incorporation were filed for record with the Recorder of Jones County, Iowa, at 12 o'clock, P. M., and recorded in Book 22 of Deeds, Page 123.
Various propositions were received at different times for the sale of land to the Association, but no purchase was made until the 11th of May, 1864, when the grounds knows as the "old cemetery" were purchased from G. H. Ford, together with adjacent grounds, embracing in all about fifteen acres, situated west of the city, on an elevated portion of ground at the junction of Buffalo Creek with the Wapsipinicon River. The situation is decidedly beautiful and romantic. The purchase was made on three, six and nine years' time, at 8 per cent, and the Association was made ready to make sales of the laid-out lots, and soon entered upon the work of laying out and improving the cemetery.
In 1869, under the personal supervision of Mr. J. H. Fisher, the whole ground was inclosed with a strong, pine board fence, and a roadway thirty feet wide cut around, inside the fence. On the east side, a strip of ground some thirty feet wide and two hundred long, leading to the cemetery grounds proper, was inclosed in the same substantial fence, and at the entrance-way was made a handsome double gate, twelve feet wide. These gates are hinged to massive pillars, and are kept locked. The pillars are octagons, some thirty inches in diameter, eighteen feet high, and are connected at the top with a broad and tasty arch, supported on neat brackets, and faced with the inscription, "Anamosa Cemetery," in raised block letters. The whole is neatly painted, and presents a pleasing appearance. At the right of the gate as we approach, there are flights of steps on either side of the fence, for the convenience of pedestrians. The whole expense, up to that time, for fencing, grading, etc., was $517. Of this amount, the Association paid $43.50; collected by subscription, $373.50; appropriated by the Town Council, $100; total $517.
Since that time, the Association has, from time to time, made various improvements, and the city of Anamosa thereby has a most delightful spot for a burying-ground.
The present officers of the Association are: Directors, Messrs. Needham, Foxall, Schoonover, Heitchen, Shaw, Harvey, Peet and Newman; W. T. Shaw, President; A. Heitchen, Secretary; L. Schoonover, Treasurer, and George Bemrose, Sexton.
The above organization was chartered under the corporation laws of the State, on the 2d of March, 1861. A meeting for the purpose of organizing the Society was held some time previous, and Timothy Flaherty and Thomas Foarde were appointed a Committee to provide a Constitution and By-Laws for the government of the Society. The report of the Committee was made and adopted, in due course of time.
The following is the preamble of the Constitution, and it gives expression to the objects of the association:
"Deeply impressed with the necessity of making provisions against the misfortunes and calamities to which the mutability of everything earthly renders us liable, we conceive it a duty measurably incumbent upon us, to form ourselves into an association for the purpose of ameliorating—so far as it is in the power of benevolence—the calamities by which we may be overtaken. Imploring the aid of Divine Providence to direct and guide us in our undertaking, we do hereby unite and associate, for the purpose of affording each other mutual assistance in the hour of adversity, of disease and of death. To accomplish the above design with order and regularity, we submit the following Constitution and By-Laws for our regulation and government."
The Constitution provides that the society shall be known as the "St. Patrick's Literary and Benevolent Society," and that the members shall be practical Catholics only. The officers of the Society are a President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, two Stewards and a Doorkeeper, who are annually elected by ballot, at the stated meeting in March.
The present officers of the Society are: Richard Welsh, President; M. McKeone, Secretary; John McManns, Treasurer; Timothy Flaherty, Corresponding Secretary and Librarian. The Society has a circulating library of about eight hundred volumes, many of them good standard works. The best of harmony prevails among the members, and the Society is in a prosperous condition.
This Association was incorporated July 7, 1879, by B. F. Shaw, J. C. Dietz, T. W. Shapley and G. D. McKay. Its place of business is Anamosa, Iowa. Its purpose is to afford insurance upon the mutual plan, against disability by sickness or accident. No sickness or disability of less than one week receives any indemnity. No policy-holder receives pay for more than twelve consecutive weeks of sickness during one year. All policy-holders are divided into three classes, A, B, and C. The first class carry an insurance of $20 per week, the second of $10, the third of $5. The cost of insurance for the first year in each of these classes is $20.50, $10.50 and $6.50, respectively. After the first year, assessments are made in case of each loss.
The plan of organization of the Association is to establish a division in all places where sufficient members reside to form a division. Each division shall choose five of their number as an Executive Committee, whose business it shall be to examine application for insurance, decide upon cases of loss where doubt exists, and look after the division in their charge. Any male person between the ages of fifteen and fifty-five, who can present from a regular physician a certificate of perfect health may become a member. The Association has been organized but six weeks at this writing. It has met with one small loss. Divisions are about to be established at Davenport, Quincy, Keokuk and Burlington. The officers are: B. F. Shaw, President; J. C. Dietz, Vice President; T. W. Shapley, Treasurer; G. D. McKay, Secretary; M. L. Ross, Medical Director.
A society denominated the "Anamosa Scientific Association," was organized in the fall of 1878, and conducted with success during the winter and spring months of 1878-79, and bids fair to become a permanent organization. It was organized by the election of Dr. J. R. McLean, President, and Dr. A. V. Eaton, Vice President and Secretary. These two gentlemen, with the addition of Dr. E. W. Gawley, constitute an Executive Committee to supervise the conduct of the Association.
The following are some of the subjects treated upon during the winter: Two evenings were devoted to Geology, under the leadership of Dr A. V. Eaton; two evenings to Fish Culture and its History, by Hon. B. F. Shaw; one evening each to the Eye and Ear, by Dr. J. R. McLean; one to Chemistry, by Dr. E. W. Gawley; one evening to the subject of Diphtheria, by Dr. E. Blakslee and others; one evening on the subject to Hygiene, by Dr. S. G. Matson; two evenings on Heat and Ventilation, by Judge J. S. Stacy; Photography was treated of by Mr. Miller, and other topics were treated upon, proving both entertaining and profitable.
Organizations of this character certainly ought to receive encouragement, as they furnish a means of disseminating useful knowledge. The "Inductive Philosophy" of Bacon is as true in the nineteenth century as it was in the sixteenth, and thought and investigation is the spirit of the age, and the man who does neither is not a proper factor in the nineteenth century.
An Art Association was organized on the 8th of January, 1877, with the following officers and members: C. E. Littlefield, President; Mrs. J. S. Stacy, Vice President; Miss Zeolia Harmon, Secretary; Mrs. D. McCarn, Treasurer. Members—Nellie Fowler, Nellie Clancy, Belle Prouse, Mrs. C. A. Lee, Burritt Needham.
The object of the Association, as stated in the Constitution, is mutual aid in the study of art and aesthetic culture, the collection of art literature and such works of art or studies as might be deemed necessary for the purpose of the society. The society has held its organization, but not in an active condition, the members pursuing their studies individually.
The first collection of pictures was made the last of August, 1879, consisting of over 200 paintings and drawings. Mrs. D. McCarn, 23; Mrs. C. A. Lee, 21; Mrs. J. S. Stacy, 14; Mrs. Nellie Gawley, 5; Burritt Needham, 6; Miss Belle Prouse, 2; C. E. Littlefield, 8; Miss Tirza Holt, 13; Miss M. Blakeslee, 2; Miss Lou Shaw, 15; Miss Nellie Clancy, 5; Miss Olive Shaw, 8.
The number of paintings and drawings were not catalogued.
At the request of the officers of the county fair at Monticello, and several of the citizens of Anamosa, a collection of 130 of the pictures was exhibited at the fair in September, 1879.
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