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The 1879 History of Jones County Iowa was transcribed by Janet A. Brandt.


Monticello Lodge, No. 117, I.O.O.F., was instituted at Monticello, Jones County, on the 16th of March, 1858, by J. J. Dickinson, W.D.D.G. Master, assisted by Bros. Johnson, Belknap, Lukins and Warner, of Anamosa Lodge No. 40. The Lodge was instituted in the afternoon. After the ceremonies had been concluded, the following offices were elected and installed, according to the prescribed form of the Order: J. J. Brown, N.G.; A. Moulton, V.G.; M. M. Moulton, Secretary; W. B. Selden, Treasurer; T. C. West, W.; D. McDonald, C. Petitions were received and acted upon from six applicants. In the evening, three candidates being present, they were initiated into the mysteries of Odd Fellowship. After the installation of appointed officers, W.D.D.G. Master Dickinson delivered an address. The organization was made under favorable circumstances and has ever been in a prosperous condition. The charter members are Aaron Moulton, M. M. Moulton, Abram Everetts, J. J. Brown, E. H. Warren. The officers for the year 1879 are: W. M. Preston, N.G.; Seth Fowler, V.G.; G. W. Condon, Secretary; John Rigby, Treasurer; Elijah Austin, Warden; C. Henry, Conductor; Clark Byam, R.S.N.G.; Judson Tucker, L.S.N.G.; J. B. L. Caldwell, R.S.V.G.; F. A. Coyle, L.S.V.G.; William Tuel, R.S.S.; P. H. Conner, L.S.S.; F. S. Duger, I.G.; James Harrison, O.G. The Lodge occupies a well-furnished hall and has money at interest.
Burns Lodge, No. 173, A.,F.&A.M.—Instituted, U.D., January 18, A.D. 1865, A.L. 5865, and organized under charter of Grand Lodge of Iowa, June 21, 1865, A.L. 5865, at Monticello, Jones County. First officers—Brothers H. D. Sherman, W.M.; M. R. Gurney, S.W.; C. E. Wales, J.W.; H. Rosa, Treasurer; J. A. Chandler, Secretary; E. T. Mellett, S.D.; S. R. Howard, J.D.; Simon Morton, Tiler. The Lodge was organized under favorable auspices, the members contributing $375 to furnish hall, etc. M. M. Moulton was the first to receive the Master Mason's degree in this Lodge, April 12, 1865. The Lodge has continued to prosper, and, up to the 1st of November, 1879, had conferred the degrees upon eighty-three persons.
The first death in the Lodge was that of Brother S. Hopkins, an old veteran Mason, in March, 1867, next followed in the same month Brother C. McClosky, then Brother H. Bledsoe, the first petitioner for Masonic Light in Burns Lodge. Rev. R. H. Northrop died of consumption and was buried in Burns Lodge Lot in Monticello Cemetery. Brother Peter Karst died of cancer at Sand Springs, Iowa. Brothers David S. Dreibblebis and Hugh L. Matthews were young Masons and lived but a short time to enjoy the benefits of the Order. Worshipful Master, P. H. Babcock is the only presiding officer lost by death. Brother Sandford Jacobs died after a long and lingering illness.
The Lodge has been liberal in its benevolent expenditures, and continues in good working conditions and shares a large measure of prosperity. The officers for the year 1879 are as follows: Brothers Luther Foster, W.M.; B. D. Paine, S.W.; W. A. Holston, J.W.; John O. Duer, Treasurer; S. L. Gardiner, Secretary; George L. Lovell, S.D.; Joseph E. Nye, J.D.; Samuel Kahn, S.S.; Clark Byam, J.S.; M. M. Moulton, Tiler.
The history of Burns Lodge and Trinity Commandery was furnished by Sir Knight S. L. Gardiner, though we give it much abridged.
Monticello Chapter, No. 42, R.A.M.U.D., instituted March 2, 2398, A. D. 1868, and organized under charter of the Grand Chapter of Iowa October 16, 2398, A. D. 1868. This Chapter was the parent of the Anamosa Chapter. Among the first petitioners for the degrees in this Chapter were M. R. Gurney, S. R. Howard and Joseph E. Eaton. Up to that time there were but six Royal Arch Masons in Monticello.
First Officers—H. D. Sherman, E.H.P.; G. W. Miller, E. King; M. M. Moulton, E. Scribe; S. L. Gardiner, Secretary; W. P. Crowly, C. H.; P. Stone, P.S.; O. T. Richmond, R.A.C.; W. L. Winter, Third Vail; R. C. Shinn, Second Vail; J. C. Huntoon, First Vail; J. P. Embree, Tiler.
The Chapter is in good condition, financially and otherwise, with a membership of thirty-four. Officers for 1879—M. R. Gurney, H.P.; W. W. Calkins, King; Samuel Kahn, Scribe; R. P. Smith, Secretary; John O. Duer, Treasurer; B. D. Paine, C.H.; Luther Forster, P.S.; S. R. Howard, R.A.C.; J. A. Chandler, G. M. Third Vail; H. M. Wright, G. M. Second Vail; Isaac Rigby, G. M. First Vail; M. M. Moulton, Tiler.
Trinity Commandery, No. 16, Monticello, Iowa—This Commandery is the parent of the Commandery at Manchester, Delaware County; Patmos Commandery, at Marion, Linn County, and the Commandery at Anamosa. Trinity Commandery started out with an expensive outfit, said to have been the best in the State, costing about $500.
The funds were loaned by charter members, and were paid back to them in about a year from the time of organization, December 9, 1869. It is now self-sustaining, its money at interest and annual dues more than meeting current expenses. This Commandery donated $25 to the yellow-fever sufferers in 1878. Hard times has temporarily checked the growth of the Commandery. There has been but one death in this Commandery in the ten years of its existence—Sir Knight Porter H. Babcock, a good officer.
The first officers were: Sir Knight H. D. Sherman, E.C.; Sir Knight Samuel L. Gardiner, Gen.; Sir Knight Charles E. Wales, C.G.; Sir Knight Isaac L. Sinnington, Prel.; Sir Knight James Davidson, S.W.; Sir Knight F. C. Brown, J.W.; Sir Knight Thomas R. Ercanbrack, W.; Sir Knight Jonathan Piper, Treas.; Sir Knight M. M. Moulton, Recorder.
The officers for 1879—Sir Knight Silas M. Yoran, E.C.; Sir Knight Samuel L. Gardiner, Gen.; Sir Knight S. R. Howard, C.G.; Sir Knight C. E. Wales, Treas.; Sir Knight M. M. Moulton, Recorder; Sir Knight R. P. Smith, S.W.; Sir Knight D. E. Pond, J.W.; Sir Knight S. S. Farwell, St.B.; Sir Knight E. T. Mellett, S.B.; Sir Knight James Davidson, Warder; Sir Knight H. D. Sherman, Sentinel. Continuation of membership—1875, M. O. Warriner, Justin Shapley, Luther Foster; 1876, Edwin Blakeslee, H. V. White, C. E. Merriam, D. A. Peet, C. N. Dietz, F. B. Bonniwall.
William Tell Lodge, No. 391, I.O.O.F.—Organized April, 1879, and works in the German language. The officers and charter members were: Samuel Kahn, N.G.; Emil Schneider, V.G.; John Wybel, Treas.; John Grum, Sec.; J. Snyder, Warden; G. Snyder, Conductor; Geo. Shaffer, R.S.N.G.; H. W. Baade, L.S.N.G.; A. Guler; R.S.V.G.; J. Snyder, L.S.V.G.
Monticello Lodge, No. 43, A.O.U.W.—This Lodge was duly organized January 15, 1876, with the following charter members: Dr. I. H. Phillips, Wilson Jenkins, G. W. Miller, J. R. Stillman, G. W. Garlock, S. F. Bentley, J. Q. Wing, John Blanchard, N. W. Austin, W. E. Herrick and O. B. Rundel. Number of members at present writing, seventy-five. The object of the organization is co-operative life insurance. The Lodge has lost three members since it was organized, and paid in each case $2,000. Weekly benefits have been paid to those who were entitled to the same, and the Lodge kept in a good, prosperous condition.
The present officers are: N. W. Austin, P.M.W.; S. G. Harris, M.W.; C. A. Whiting, Foreman; H. C. Shur, Overseer; J. B. Smith, Recorder; J. R. Stillman, Financier, W. W. Calkins, F.S.
Monticello Lodge, No. 14, of the Iowa Legion of Honor—The object of this organization is quite the same as that of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, only that the work of the Legion of Honor is confined to the State of Iowa. This Lodge was organized on the 8th of May, 1879, with forty-two charter members. The present officers are: J. B. Smith, President; S. G. Harris, Vice President; J. R. Stillman, R. S.; M. M. Moulton, F. S.; H Shur, Treas.; G. W. Miller, Doorkeeper; Fred Simons, Sentinel. The Legion of Honor may pay at the death of a brother $4,000, if there is that number of members in that class, while the Ancient Order of United Workmen pay only $2,000. The Legion of Honor pays no sick benefits.


Monticello Ladies' Library Association—The circulating library association, under the auspices of the ladies of Monticello, was organized in 1867, with the following officers:
Mrs. S. Y. Bradstreet, President; Mrs. W. H. Proctor, Vice President; Mrs. G. W. Miller, Treasurer; Mrs. S. Langworthy, Secretary.
The following were the charter members: Mrs. Maria Bradstreet, Mrs. Stephen Langworthy, Mrs. William H. Proctor, Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mrs. James Davidson, Mrs. W. H. Walworth, Mrs. C. E. Wales and Mrs. F. S. Dunham.
A Constitution and By-Laws were adopted for the government of the Association, and the society began its work without a dollar in the treasury.
Festivals and other means were improvised from time to time, and the proceeds used in the purchase of books. Through much that was discouraging the Association has passed, and, at present writing, secured for the use of those willing to pay the trifling sum of $1 per year, a good library of about seven hundred volumes. There are a goodly number of standard works in the library, and the Association is now in a more prosperous condition than at any previous time. An examination of the books warrants the belief that they are well cared for, and that a goodly number are read by appreciative readers.
The Association is a valuable auxiliary to the educational forces of the city, and the ladies of Monticello deserve especial commendation to their literary taste and perseverance in a cause so meritorious.
The present officers are: Mrs. F. S. Dunham, President; Mrs. S. R. Howard, Vice President; Mrs. J. R. Stillman, Secretary; Mrs. G. W. Miller, Treasurer.
Monticello Cemetery Association—This Association was organized as an incorporate body on the 20th day of June, A. D. 1866. The following are the names of the incorporators; E. P. Kimball, M. M. Moulton, W. H. Walworth, D. T. Gardner, S. R. Howard and J. P. Sleeper. M. M. Moulton, W. H. Walworth and E. P. Kimball were elected the first Trustees of the Association; Mrs. B. A. F. Kimball, Treasurer.
On the 24th of June, A. D. 1866, the Trustees purchased for the Association, of Mrs. George George and husband, two acres of land, and Mrs. George donated an acre, the whole to be used for cemetery purposes, and the one acre donated by Mrs. George is always to be held for the free use of the poor. The land is situated about a mile east of the city of Monticello, on the main road leading to Scotch Grove.
At a meeting of the Association on the 20th of December, 1866, the Treasurer made the following report:
Amount collected, $283.15. Paid for land, $150; for lumber, $105; for nails, $8; for work, $7.50; for deed, etc., $5.50.
The first officers continued to act until the 25th of June, 1873, when the following were duly elected: Trustees, H. D. Sherman, Samuel G. Gardiner, M. M. Moulton and C. E. Wales; Treasurer, John O. Duer. Cash capital, $61.69.
The work of improving the cemetery was now commenced. The grounds were surveyed, lots properly divided, the whole newly fenced, the streets and alleys graded, and an evergreen tree planted at the corners of each lot, making a living corner-stone. From that time forward, the grounds have been kept in a neat and tasty manner, much to the credit of the Board of Trustees.
The money to purchase the land, improve, etc., was raised by subscription, largely through the efforts of Mrs. B. A. F. Kimball and Mrs. Fred Grassmeyer. The subscriptions were in sums varying from 50 cents up to $25, donated by Joseph Baker. M. L. Carpenter gave $20; H. Rosa, $16; F. Grassmeyer, $12, and many others donated liberally.
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