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The Soldiers' Edition of the Oxford Mirror was transcribed by Janet Brandt.

The Uncertainty of Life
NOT in the memory of the present generation has the Human family been so forcibly and positively shown the uncertainty of Life, and the certainty of Death. The War, and now the epidemic of Influenza that rages in all parts of not only our own but foreign lands, has, or should by this time have convinced all that none of us mortals have any especial lease on life. And when the time comes for us to answer the summons, it is not the policy that we intended to buy that is valuable, but the one that has been actually bought that really counts.
Many a man has persistently and regularly neglected the taking out of protection for his family during the productive years of his life until it was ever-lastingly too late—and the loved ones paid the penalty for such neglect by being forced to face financial difficulties after his demise. Many, many instances come under the observation of those who are familiar with the Life Insurance business of this neglect, and what it means to those who are left behind, when just a little foresight and forethought in the days that are past would have prevented this most unfortunate of all conditions.
There is positively no better time than right now to insure against the future, and the Old Line Cedar Rapids Life Insurance Company, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, offers you a policy contract that is really worth while, providing not alone Protection for your loved ones in case of your death, but an Investment for the insured in the future years should he desire to use it—an investment that grows constantly better with each succeeding premiums paid so that at the end of the contract period there is a substantial Cash Value to the policy holder. This company offers a number of different kinds of Policy Contracts, and all at the minimum of insurance cost. With millions of insurance in force, and with policies held by some of the most widely known, most influential and

known, most influential and best posted men of the state along financial lines, it can offer you a policy which may perhaps prove to be one of the best investments you have ever made.
This company is proud of its record and its method of handling insurance risks as it interested the young men of the state who were called into the military service. Its contract provisions were most liberal, and claims resulting from death of these boys, both in the various camps and different localities have been promptly paid. We are in reality “The Company of Service.”
With the many evidences of life uncertainty as have been manifest in the past four years, and particularly in the past few
weeks, no one, no matter what his means, can afford to carry his own risk. The wise householder will insure his chattels—his household goods, his live stock, his buildings against loss by fire—why then, is it not all the more necessary to insure his family and loved ones against suffering and want because of his loss by death? For those who are dependent on you, you cannot in justice to them or yourself afford to delay this matter longer. Now—and right now, while you are in good health—is the only time to make this provision for the future. Our local agent, Mr. F. H. Shimanek, Oxford Junction, Iowa, will be glad to explain our plan in detail.
The Certainty of Death
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