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The Soldiers' Edition of the Oxford Mirror was transcribed by Janet Brandt.

O. L. Shedek’s
Busy Store
APPEARING on this page is a display ad for O. L. Shedek’s store, setting forth numerous suggestions for Christmas gifts, which should be of interest to those who are looking about for suitable articles for presents for the Christmas just approaching. The stock has been given a great deal of attention with the view of offering a wide range for selection in every department.
This store, although under different management, opened its doors to the public as far back as the year 1895. It was started by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kettlesen. Three years later, during the big fire, the building, which was located on the south side of Broadway, as well as the entire stock, was destroyed. A new and better building was immediately erected and business again resumed, under the same management. A number of years later the stock was sold to O. B. Zuck, of Cedar Rapids. He continued to operate the store until in September 1913, when M. A. Shedek and O. L. Shedek closed a deal whereby they became the owners of the stock. This new firm, consisting of the two brothers, lasted for a period of about two years, when the former decided that he would dispose of his interest and take up some line of endeavor that would not be so confining. Otto purchased the interest of his brother and continued to operate the business which has enjoyed an unusually large patronage from the city as well as the surrounding country. His aim being at all times to have his goods fresh and staple, and as announced in the accompanying ad, to buy in large quantities thus giving his customers the advantage of the best prices possible. The stock to be found at this store consists of a very general line of seasonable merchandise, including dry goods, shoes, rubbers, groceries, etc., in fact, such as will be found in any up-to-date general merchandise store. A motto, “Where Quality Counts We’ll Win,” which was

adopted by O. B. Zuck at the time he purchased the stock, has been retained ever since, and the present proprietor sticks to the theory that quality in the end will win.
Otto L. Shedek, the sole proprietor of the business, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Shedek, of this city. His entire life has been spent in this community. Until a few years ago the family lived on the farm just south of town. Prior to their moving to this city Otto was employed in this office learning the printing trade, at which he worked almost a year. During this time the farm home was sold and the family moved to our city. Otto saw the possibilities of a much better income in the merchandise business, and therefore when
this opportunity presented itself he resigned his position at this office and took up the new field of labor as stated above.
Aside from the proprietor and Miss Christine Kula, who has been employed for some time, also Mrs. Frank Moravec, very little assistance is needed with the exception of a delivery man, and an occasional extra saleslady during rush days. For the Christmas holidays extra help is always engaged that customers may be waited upon more quickly. Read the suggestions that appear in the accompanying ad.
Mr. Shedek urges his customers to do their Christmas shopping early before the stocks are diminished or some lines sold out entirely.
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