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The Soldiers' Edition of the Oxford Mirror was transcribed by Janet Brandt.

Louis L. Blizek

LOUIS L. BLIZEK, a brother of Frank Blizek, of near this city, although busily engaged at the time of his draft call, which came February 24th, 1918, put aside everything else willingly that he might do anything and everything that his Government might see fit to call upon him for, even the giving of his life if necessary, and joined the boys from this county at Anamosa enroute to Camp Dodge, where he remained only a little over a month before being transferred to Camp Logan, Texas. He was quick to learn the duties of a good soldier, receiving the most of his training at the two above mentioned camps. May 4th, he was moved from Texas to Camp Upton, Long Island, N. Y., only
to remain ten days and was then sent overseas. After receiving the official announcement of his safe arrival it was some time before any word came from him. Letters received by relatives dated October 23rd and 29th stated that he had been in action and was unfortunate in that he was wounded slightly in the back and was sent to a hospital. Another letter dated November 1st, stated that he was getting along nicely and recovering from the wounds received. Aside from his brother, Frank Blizek, he has no other near relatives in this vicinity, his mother dying July 11, 1908, and his father died July 26th, the year previous. He has now reached his twenty-fourth year.

update: Frank Blizek is in receipt of a letter from Colonel Abel Davis, written in France November 10, which reads as follows: “Our regiment, together with the troops of other nations, took part in an engagement on October 9, 1918. Your brother, Louis L. Blizek, was wounded on the battlefield. He is now in a hospital receiving medical attention. The details of his condition will reach me later, when I shall be glad to forward them to you. The accounts of those who fought along side of him are that he gallantly and heroically fought on the battlefield. We are all hoping for his early recovery, and are proud of the part he played in the engagement.”

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