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The Soldiers' Edition of the Oxford Mirror was transcribed by Janet Brandt.

Joe Powlishta

MRS. FRANK POWLISHTA, of this city, has the distinguished honor of being the only mother in Oxford Township, having three sons in the service. Very few families in the county, in fact, have been called upon to such an extent. She has willingly given three of her boys to the service, knowing full well that they might be called upon at any time to make the supreme sacrifice, and is proud to know that they were all willing to answer their country’s call. Joe Powlishta, the oldest of the three boys
in the service, was employed in the state of Washington at the time he was called in the draft April 1st, 1918. Much of his time has been spent away from home, in fact, he has not visited under the parental roof for the past five years. He was first sent to Camp Lewis, American Lake, Wash. Shortly after entering the camp he was taken ill and was sent to a hospital, where he remained for some time. His career in the army did not extend any farther than this camp and undoubtedly he will receive his honorable discharge in a short time. He was born in this city January 2nd, 1889.

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