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The Soldiers' Edition of the Oxford Mirror was transcribed by Janet Brandt.

Noah Streasslin

NOAH STREASSLIN, member of Battery E., 342nd Field Artillery, was born in Denison, Iowa, December 22, 1892; therefore had reached his twenty-fifth birthday before being called into the service. His residence had
been made in this vicinity for several years, therefore he registered in this city and received his draft call to report at Anamosa February 24th, 1918. With the balance of the boys from Jones County he was sent to Camp Dodge for his early training. His stay at this camp was of short duration, for five weeks from the day he entered the service he was transferred from Camp Dodge to Camp Upton, Long Island, N.Y. His brother, Manuel, in this city, was under the impression that he was to be sent overseas immediately from this point, but such was not the case as he remained here two months before departing for overseas duty. In due course of time the official announcement from Washington announcing his safe arrival, was received. We are unable to learn definitely, but without a doubt he has been over the top several times and has seen considerable activity in the front line trenches. His mother passed away some years ago and it has been impossible to obtain a photo of her to accompany the above of her soldier boy, who was willing to lay down his life if necessary.

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