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Herman F. Miller

Becky Dirks Haugsted provided the images and Janet A. Brandt transcribed the text.

Herman Miller of Oxford Junction was one of the victims of the influenza epidemic at Camp Custer, Mich. Where for years a great health resort was maintained the plague which swept the entire world, struck down thousands of strong young men. Red Cross nurses, and other volunteers freely gave their lives to aid the stricken soldiers. Private Miller was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Miller and was born on June 17th, 1891, on the farm southeast of Oxford Junction. He was employed at Lyons, Neb., from which place he entered the service on June 24, 1917. He spent two months at Ft. Riley, Kan., and was then assigned to a medical corps and on Aug. 11 was transferred to Camp Custer, Mich. Though he did not die in battle, he volunteered his services and was in the midst of dead and dying in the terrible plague more tragic in its effects than all the sacrifices of battle.
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