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Louis Sazma

Becky Dirks Haugsted provided the images and Janet A. Brandt transcribed the text.

Louis Sazma was born at Aten, Nebraska, August 25, 1896, and died at Camp Dodge, Oct. 10, 1918. He was called in the September contingent, the last to be called in the World War. Though never destined to fight, the casualties among the boys who became 21 after the first registration were the heaviest of any units called from Iowa. The epidemic of influenza was then nearly as fatal to civilians as to soldiers, but in Camps the great collection of men of the susceptible age made the appearance of an historical plague. Louis lived several years on farms near Prairieburg and Oxford Junction. He was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Sazma and the mainstay in the farm work. He was buried in Mayflower Cemetery at Oxford Junction.
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