Mrs. Mary Bechtol Moyer was born in Indiana county, Pa., March 17, 1826, and died April 5, 1900, aged 74 years and 19 days. She was one of a family of 14 children, seven boys and seven girls. They have all passed to the other shore except four, and four passing in less than a year. She leaves many friends, one daughter, and three granddaughters to mourn her loss, having enjoyed her new home for the short space of less than four months. For the last ten years she was a firm believer in Christian Science and remained so till the last. She passed away very peacefully and quietly. If our loss is her gain, we will not mourn. If in this world only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable. A very impressive sermon was preached by Elder Potter, of Olin, to a well-filled hour at Forest Chapel, where interment was made.
Card of Thanks
We wish to return our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in this hour of need.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Moyer and Family
Submitted by: Laura Comley