Fergus S. McKean
May 21, 1823 – December 25, 1867 |
Obituary of F. S. McKean
F. S. McKean, whose death was briefly mentioned a short time since, was born May 21, 1823 in Mercer, Pa. At the age of twelve years he removed with his father's family to Carroll Co., Ohio. His education in boyhood was obtained In the common schools of the vlclnlty. At the age of seventeen yeary he was attacked with sciatic rheumatism which left him. at tbe end of four years of intense suffering, a cripple, with thigh joints permanently stiffened, together with curvature ot the spine, compelling; him to walk with crutches the remainder of his life. Durling his illness, however, by diligent application in private, be acquired a. thorough knowledge of the Latin Language and made considerable progress in Greek and Mathematics. Shortly afterwards he entered and graduated from Grundy & Bacon's Commercial College at Cincinnati, Ohio. He first entered upon business as a teacher in tbe common schools and taught for four terms succcsfully. His business qualities being known, he was elected to and filled the office of County Auditor of Carroll Co., Ohio, for four years, terminating in 1832, Afterwards he became and was the editor of the"Carrollton Companion,"a county newspaper of that county. In 1854-5 his fathers family all removed from Ohio to Scotch Grove In this County, and, having settled his business in Ohio, he shortly afterwards followed. On the 28th of April, 1857, he was married to Margaret Ranne, of Wayncsburg, Ohio, whom he has left with five children, all little girls, to mourn his loss. In 1857 he was elected Treasurer and Recorder of this county and, in this capacity, first became known. to most of its people. At the close of his official term be turned bis attention to Law and during the years of 1860-61 was a student in the offices of S. T. Pierce, Esq., in company with his brother John, both being admitted to tbe bar near the same time. .After about two years of study tbey, on Jan. 15, 1862, entered into partnership in tbe Law under the firm name and style of F. S. & John McKean, in the office over tbe store-room of Metcalf, Peck & Co., where they have ever since done business until his death on Dec. 25th, 1867. He lived in Anamosa for about ten years, and his countenance and form and manner of life are known to all. The deceased possessed a clear, pure and straight forward mind, a strong will and an honest judgment always adhering to his idea of right. In business he was always safe, successful and prudent, securing the confidence of those to whom he was best known. A cheerful companion, a kind friend and partner in business, an obedient son, a true brother, and a loving father and husband. About 1840 he became a follower of the meek and lowly Jesus and ever since has held membership in the Presbyterian Churches of Bethlehem, New Harrisburg and Carrollton, Ohio, and in Scotch Grove in this Co., in the order named, at which last place he was buried—side by side with his mother and two brothers gone before him—in the hope of a glorious immortality, He died as he lived, trusting in God. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. They rest from their labors and their works do follow them. Jan. 1st, 1868. Submitted by: Janet A. Brandt
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