As slated last week, County Clerk John B. McQueen passed away Sunday morning, the 26th ult., at 10 o'clock, having suffered two strokes of paralysis, the first on the l6th of September and the second on the 21st of December, the right and left sides successively being thus rendered entirely helpless aud depriving him of the power of speech from the first.
The funeral services were held from his residence on First street on Wednesday, tho 29th ult , at 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. I. Corbyn, of St. Mark's church, of which the deceased had long been a member, conducted the services, assisted by a choir composed of Mrs. T. R. Ercanbrack, Mrs. J. A. Belknap, Hassan Monroe and T. E. Booth, with Miss Dora Peters at the organ. The selcctious were, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" and "Lead, Kindly Light." The pall-bearers were M. W. Herrick, of Monticello, W. H. Glick, of Hale, and S. L. Easterly, J. W. Waite, Miles Cook and J. A. Hartman, of Anamosa. Mr. B J. Wood was in charge of the general arrangements. A large concourse attended the obsequies and the Masonic fraternity came in a body, with many Odd Fellows, of which organization Mr. McQueen was also a member. The Masons took charge of the service at the cemetery, the following appropriate address being delivered by T. R. Ercanbrack.
Brethern of Anamosa Ldge, No. 16, A. F. & A. M. We are again assembled around an open grave. We are here in compliance with an often expressed desire of the brother whose body lies before us and by the request of the members of his bereaved family.
For more than thirty years our departed brother hits gone, in and out among us, and has many times aided us in our burial service. His turn has now come.
John B. McQueen was a native of Clink county. Ohio, and was born May 6, 1826, and died at Anamosa, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1897, at the age of 71 years, 7 months and 20 days.
When a young man he went with his parents to Indiana, where he grew to manhood and where he learned the trade of a carpenter, to which honorable calling he devoted the greater part of his industrious life.
In 1849 he came on horseback from Indiana to Linn county, Iowa. In 1851 he commenced the erection of a grist mill and a saw mill on the Buffalo creek, in Boulder township, Linn county, Iowa, and for a few years was engaged in the milling busiuess. For many years that place was known as "McQueen's Mills." The flouring mill still stands and is used for the purpose for which it was originally built.
While in business there he served Linn county as a member of its board of supervisors.
Mr. McQueen was one of a family of twelve children, eight sons and four daughters. Of these eight sons, six were in the Union army during the war of the rebellion, and three of them died in the service of their country. Very few families in our land can show a more patriotic record. John was detailed for service in the quartermaster's department.
The mother of these valiant soldiers still lives near Prairieburg, and reached the great age of 92 years on last Christmas day. Nu other widow in all the country is more deserving of a pension and of the profound respect of our people.
Since 1864 John McQueen has been a residtent of Anamosa. During that lime he has been chosen to places of trust and responsibility. He has been elected juslice of the peace, clerk of the city council and secretary of tho school board. For more than ten years he was deputy clerk of the district court. In 1894 he was elected clerk of the district court, which honorable position he held at the time of his death. In all of these public positions he proved to be a capable, conscientious, affable and obliging officer.
In the winter of 1853 and 1854 the fair and estimable Huldah L. Bissell taught school near McQueen's Mills. At the close of the term, on Feb. 19,1851, she became the wife of John B. McQueen. Their only child, William Edwin McQueen, born in 1857, now stands among the mourners and is one of our honored brethren. Huldah L. McQueen died March 4, 1808, in the same house, in which our fallen brother breathed his last breath nearly thirty years later.
Oct. 19. 1879, he was married to Mrs. Louvia A. Lewis, with whom he lived most happily for the eighteen closing years of his life.
Durring the last fourteen and a half weeks of his animate existence John McQueen was speechless and perfectly helpless. The paralysis of his body was overwhelming and complete! But every possible service was rendered to him by friends and fraternal associates. The devotion of his wife was tireless, boundless and most tenderly affectionate. Indeed, angels dwell on earth and minister unto suffering men!
Brethren, we now offer to the memory of our deceased brother the last tribute of our affection. Unto the grave we consign his body, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, there to remain until the trump shall sound on the resurrection morn. We can trustfully leave him in the hands of the Good Father, who doeth all things well, who is glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders!
The relatives present from abroad were a brother of the deceased, Mr. James McQueen, and wife, of Prairieburg, their daughter and her husband, Dr. Adams, of Coggon, Mrs. Hall, a sister, and a son and daughter, also of Coggon . Mr. McQueen's only son, William Edwin of Rock Rapids; Geo. Bowers, of Doon, Lyon county, brother-in-law to Mrs. J. B. McQueen. The aged mother, who resides at Prairieburg and was 93 Iast Christmas, was not able to come. Mrs. Fannie Niles, of Maquoketa, a friend of the family, was in attendance. Also Rev. |Nathan Potter, W. H. Glick, W. H. Crain, E. N'. Fortey, W. D. and B. H. Miller, of Olin, and M. W. Herrick, Matt Noyes, Dayton Cunningham, D. K. Pond, W. J. Coughlan, J. S. Houser, F. M. Hazlett, O. H. Soetje and David Samter, of Monticello.
Mr. McQueen was a representative to the grand lodge of Odd Fellows and served as D. D. G. M., instituting Center Junction Lodge, No. 245; Olin Lodge. No. 340, and Clay Mills Lodge, No. 341.
He served faithfully as deputy clerk six years under Mr. J H. Chapman, six years under Mr. R. M. Bush, six months under Mr. W. D. Sheean, Democrat, and took charge of tho office as clerk January 1st, 1895. He was competent, strictly honest, courteous and obliging in all his business and personal relations, and a wide circle of life-long; friends sincerely mourn his departute and sympathize with his bereaved and faithful wife and kindred in their great loss.
The casket was decoraled with a sickle of wheat and other appropriate emblems.
The following tribute is from the Masonic fraternity.
WHEREAS, Brother John B. McQueen, one ot our oldest members has gone to his rest. He was faithful to his fraternal promise and a respected citizen , he had lived to a good old age, but he had not outlived his usefulness, he held an honorable position among his fellow citizens, he had been a public official for many years and his record as such was free from any reproach ; therefore—
Resolved, That the members of the Masonic fraternity offer to his widow their profound and sincere admiration for her great devotion to her stricken husband during his protracted illness, and extend to her their sincere sympathies in her bereavement, also to his .on, their Brother, their kind regards, and promise him such aid as his situation as a stricken companion may require. Of his later days it may well be said that he was —
"Only waiting till the shadows were a little longer grown
Only waiting till the glimmer of the day's last gleam was flown—
Till the light of earth had faded from a heart once full of day.
Till the dawn of heaven was breaking through
ere he passed to the great unknown.
COM. roi: No. 46, A. F. & A. M.
Submitted by: Richard Harrison
Source: Anamosa Eureka, Anamosa, Iowa, 6 January 1898