Philander Mott was born near Shellrush, in Herkimer county. New York, December 29, 1817, and died at Fairview, Iowa, December 10, 1903, aged 85 years, 11 months and 17 days. He was married to Harriet M. Rowe, September 30, 1838. To this union wore born three children, one son and two daughters. Mr. Mott experienced religion when about thirty years of age, and although never uniting with any church was for many years an earnest worker in the M.E. church at McGrawville, New York.
In 1865 be and his wife visited his son in Fairview, and in 1867 moved there and continued to reside there since. He served a term as justice of the peace was honorable and upright in all his dealings with his fellow men. He leaves a wife and one son, four grandchildron and five great grandchildren and many friends to mourn his death.
The funeral was held from the Fairview M.E. church, Friday, December 18, conducted by Rev. F. H. Wyrick. The body was laid to rest in the Wilcox cemetery.
Submitted by: Janet A. Brandt
Source: Anamosa Journal Eureka, Anamosa, Iowa, 24 December 1903 |