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Samuel Moyer
Born 22 August 1846
Samuel Moyer died at his home in Anamosa, last Thursday, after a brief illness of one week. His death caused surprise as he but a short time before had been apparently in good health, and his illness was not generally known. Mr. Moyer was born in Marion Co. Ohio, August 22, 1846, and was 71 years, two months and nine days old. He was married to Margeret Jane Wilkinson on January 18, 1876. The wife survives with three daughters, Tressa, Mrs. Emma Pavin and Mrs. Mary Leinen.
Mr. Moyer was a soldier in the civil war. He served 18 months as a recruit in the Fourteenth Indianna Regiment, Company D, and participated in Sherman's march to the sea. He was a kindly man who sought the regard of his neighbors and friends by making his conduct such as to merit that regard. For a long time the family resided on a farm near Anamosa, and a few years ago he came to this city to spend his days in retirement. He was an excellent citizen, prompt in his obligations and considerate in his relations with fellow men.
Christian Science services were held at the home last Saturday afternoon, with burial at Forest Chapel cemetery. The pall-bearers were S. D. Alspaugh, C. A. Beems, Geo. B. Frazier, L. Gage, I. H. Meek and W. K. Pearson. The family wishes to return thanks to the friends and neighbors for the kindness shown during this sad hour in their home.

Submitted by: Laura Comley

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Last updated on Friday, 16-Apr-2021 16:55:51 MST