Joseph Sherman, son of Joseph and Clarice Reed Sherman was born in Rome, New York in 1852. He departed this life in the early morning of January 29, 1940, having reached the ripe age of 88 years.
He grew to young manhood in Madison township and was united in marriage to Eva Pike. To this union two children were born, Willard of Olin and Charles of Savanna, IL. After the death of his wife he took his small sons to Anamosa, where he went into business. He remained there until about 30 years ago, when he moved to his farm near Olin.
In 1892 he was united in marriage to Angie Reese. To this union one son, George was born. The last 20 years he has lived with his son and daughter-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Willard Sherman. He enjoyed good health until last fall when he broke a shoulder. Since that time his health has steadily failed.
Mr. Sherman was a quiet, industrious man who tried to be just, true and honorable in all his relationships with his fellow man. He often spoke of his departed loved ones waiting for him and his desire to be with them.
He leaves to mourn his passing, three sons, eight grandchildren, two brothers Bert of Delhi and Charles of Anamosa, several nieces and nephews, and a host of friends. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge for fifty years and a member of the Baptist Church for over seventy years.
Rev. W. T. Boston of Olin United Brethren Church had charge of the funeral services which were conducted at the Loder Funeral Home, Anamosa January 31st at 2 p.m. Interment in Riverside Cemetery. Pall bearers were Henry Sievers, Clarence Graft, R. Houstman, Ray Stivers, John Herken, and Harry Jamison.
Submitted by: Charles R. Stivers