Sarah Smith was born on the river Thames in Canada, October 17, 1824. The family later returned to the United States and settled in Illinois, where the subject of this sketch was married to Amos Wood at Milford, on the 21st day of March, 1848. To this union was born nine children, four of whom departed this life, two in infancy, and Delephine and Clifford after reaching years of maturity. The five surviving children are: Josephine Delarm, Albion, Nebraska; Phillip, Hale, Iowa; Ambrose, Washburn, Texas; Ethel Shapland, Richmond, Virginia; and Casmere, Hale, Iowa.
She had five brothers and four sisters, six of whom survive her. They are; Katherine Perry, Monticello, Iowa; Anna Magaughy, Denver, Colorado; Olive Fay, Stanley, Kansas; Libbie Collins, Chateau, Montana; Joseph , Fort Scott, Kansas; Chandler, Chateau, Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. Wood moved to Jones county, Iowa, in 1853 and settled in Madison township. Three years later they moved to Hale township, which has since been the family home. The death of Mr. Wood occurred on May 26th, 1898 and his body was laid to rest in the cemetery at Hale. Mrs. Wood's parents were Methodists and early in life she united with the Methodist Episcopal church and remained a member till her death.
About five years ago Mrs. Wood experienced an accident, from which she never fully recovered, not being able to walk. Naturally of an energetic temperament, it was quite a privation to her to be even partially dependent on others. Yet she was quite patient in her affliction. For a time she was with her daughter, Mrs. DeLarm in Nebraska, then returned and has since lived in the household of her son, Cass, where she has had considerate and loving care until the end came.
After a short service at the house, public funeral services were held Wednesday, April 21st, at 2:00 p.m. in the Methodist Episcopal Church at Hale. The Rev. H. E. Wilcox of the Wyoming, Iowa Methodist Episcopal Church, conducted the services and preached upon the text "I go to prepare a place for you," John 14:2. The church was filled with neighbors and friends, many of whom had known Mrs. Wood and the family for a great many years. The body was interred beside that of her husband in the Hale cemetery.
Submitted by: Kathy Anthony
Source: The Wyoming Journal, Thursday, 29 April 1909.