Under the obituary head is a notice of the death of our old and esteemed friend, James Stivers. This is an event that has long been looked for, yet a feeling of sadness moves the hearts of many who have known this generous and public-spirited man since the days of pioneership. James Stivers, though sometimes headstrong, as men of through convictions often are, was never justly accused of dishonesty, or subserviency; to political shifts or so called policies. If he erred in action it was never because of any mercenary or selfish motive. He was too frank and outspoken and fearless ever to be trimmer or a tool. If men are the strong pillars that make safe and wholesome the social compact; and when to these qualities are added to the graces that belong to purity, temperateness in personal habits and neighborly kindness and helpfulness in all that made up the history of early struggles and privations as well as in the later days of industry's well-merited prosperities, then in deed and in truth we have valued an exemplary citizen, one whose life has had much to do with and is an integral part of the social and civil character of the community in which he has so long moved. James Stivers does not need a post-mortem to give him standing in the remembrance of men; his life carried with it.
Died at his home in Jackson township
after a long and protracted illness
Friday July 25, 1884.
James Stivers
Aged 58 years, 6 months, and 5 days
James Stivers was born October 20, 1825, in Genesse County, NY. When nine years of age his parents moved to Meigs County, Ohio. In 1845 he married Miss Eveline Clark, by whom he had one child, E. H. Stivers, of Olin. On the death of his wife in 1847 he left his farm and worked at his trade, that of a blacksmith. In the year 1851 he went to California, and on his return in 1852 he married his now bereaved wife. Twelve children were the fruit of this union. Two having preceded him to the spirit world. In the year 1853 he moved to Iowa and settled on the farm on which he lived until his death 15 minutes before 1:00 a.m. July 25, 1884.
He was a firm believer in the principles of true Christianity, being raised by pious parents and taught to remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. These principles he carried with him through life. May he rest in Peace.
The funeral services were held at his late residence at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 26, conducted by Rev. L. B. Hix of Olin. Although a busy time with farmers, there was a large attendance.
Submitted by: Charles R. Stivers
Note: This is my great-great-grandfather. My first name was given for his son, Charles Douglas Stivers, and I gave my son the first name of James after him. I also gave my son his middle name of "Douglas" after his son's middle name. My middle name "Raycliffe" was given for his son Charles' only child, Ray Stivers, my grandfather, and my other grandparent Clifford Isaac Miller.