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Curtis Stone
October 26, 1819–October 11, 1879
An Old Settler Gone to Rest

Mr. Curtis Stone, who came to Bowen's Prairie some twenty-eight years ago, died on Saturday, Oct. 11th, of Typhoid Pneumonia, after a short sickness of one week. He would have been sixty years old had he lived 'till the twenty-sixth of the present month. From the first of his sickness he felt that he should not get well, and expressed to his family a humble resignation of the Divine Will and trust in the Saviour, which he had of late cherished, and committed them to the care of Him who had ever watched over and kept them. He leaves a widow and three daughters to mourn his loss. Mr. Stone was a native of N. H. He came West a young and energetic man, obtained a good piece of land and commenced at once to make a farm and home. Having made such improvements as time and circumstances would permit in that early day, after about two years he retuned East and married. He then took his father and mother, who were then quite age, and in company with his young wife returned to his newly-made home, where he has lived ever since, with the exception of about a year and a half, when he resided in Monticello. He was an affectionate father a loving husband, a kind friend, a good neighbor and a useful citizen. A man of enterprise and public spirit, ever ready to forward public improvement by personal interest, and contributing his share of the necessary means. He will be greatly missed by his family and numerous friends and acquaintances.

Submitted by: Mary Kay Kuhfittig
Source: Monticello Express, Monticello, Iowa, October 16, 1879, page 3

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